In order to develop this activity is crucial to understand how the school is organized and the relationships that occur inside, but it is a complex process that you have to investigate.

You must read two chapters (1 and 4) from the following book: It will be very useful to understand the meaning of complexity at schools:

Starkey, L. (2012). Teaching and learning in the digital age. London: Routledge.

As the last week was the week from reality, now is the time to fiction. So, we are going to work with the chapter: Connections and Relationships.

You have to give an example (5 fiction mini-cases, such as plots) of the 5 types of relationships at schools and show how this could affect possible day-to-day situations of the teacher.

The start has an important role, she will be a theatre director and has to manage this very well.



Teacher-student connection.

Connections with peers.

Connections within the learning context.

Connections beyond the classroom

Connections within learning.



  • Journalist: Mª Victoria Aupí Román.
  • Analyst: Elena Fernández Mira.
  • Supporter: Rocío de la Cruz López Rodríguez.
  • Facilitator: Ana Gil García.
  • Curator- Farmer: Andrea Álvarez de Toledo.
  • Translator: Beatriz Meroño Ortega.
  • Star: Mª del Mar Martínez Hernández.




In our view, the main purpose of this task is to realize how relationships have an impact on daily school situations, limiting or fostering students learning while being in contact with peers, teachers and with the environment as a whole. Making up fiction examples have made us think of different situations that could happen whenever in the school context.

Schools are complex systems and this complexity arises from the relationships and interactions between the participants and the different types of organization. All parts that form this institution are important and teachers should know them in order to react properly and solve the possible problems. It is very common disputes between peers in which teachers should perform and solve them.

However, the schools are so complex that, even though teachers should study and know the different situations that could occur, the experience is what helps them at all. Basically, to put into practice what you have learned is something that prepares us. For that reason, practices in the university are really useful. Future teachers can deal with the daily organization of a school and have the chance to make connections between knowledge and experience. Moreover, the connections have benefits such us learn from other partners or from other teachers’ methodology. That’s why teachers are developing these connections increasingly.

Another aspect that influences the relationships at school is the social context. Due to the diversity in the classrooms, teaching and some methods have to take into account some aspects such as culture, religion, and ethnicity to develop a correct environment. We need to know all or almost all the aspects that surround schools and especially our students. We have to transmit to our students that no matter what your origin or your beliefs, everybody have the same opportunity and it is essential to encourage the collaborative learning to make learning in a positive way.

Furthermore, we think that this activity would make us think of the ways of getting rid of negative influences on children’s learning. By this, I mean that we, as future teachers, we will have to deal with different settings that make students become less productive, such as lowering their motivation by our lack of awareness of their real interests or even trying other students not to influence on their mates attitude toward learning. It is a big deal, actually.


– Connections within learning: a knowledge that students have about many concepts which is used to create new ideas by adding unknown information. These type of connections also reinforce the previous concepts.

– Connectivism: is a learning theory which proposes that learning occurs through connections within networks. It explains how digital technologies have brought with them new opportunities for people to learn and share information across the internet and among themselves.

– Connections between peers: all the relationships between classmates that allow them to share ideas, beliefs, knowledge… that impact on the learning process.

– Connections within the learning context: it means that the learning process is also influenced by the history, the culture and the relationships between all the members of the school.

– Collaborative learning: it is a teaching technique that consists in grouping students together to impact their learning in a positive way. It involves learning and evaluating how to learn with other people who may differ from your own social group as well as from perspectives and understandings.



Mª del Mar Martínez Hernández. 8

Mª Victoria Aupí Román. 8

Ana Gil García. 8

Andrea Álvarez de Toledo Martínez. 8

Beatriz Meroño Ortega. 8

Rocío de la Cruz López Rodríguez. 8

Elena Fernández Mira. 8

From our point of view, this was a fun task because we enjoy doing the videos. We as a group, collaborate together to realize this task and the work was divided equally and fairly trying to participate the majority of the members of the all the videos. The mark that we deserve would be an 8 because the videos are so interesting but the quality of the camera is not so good. Moreover, the edition of each video is not so professional and we did not add the final credits.



This activity allows us to achieve some of the competencies of this course such us: to know the interaction and communication processes in the classroom, to address and to resolve problems of coexistence and to participate in the meaning of educational project and in the general activity of the centre attending to the criteria of quality management.

To know all the processes that occur inside and outside of the classroom and the importance of carrying out a process in which the interaction and communication are integrated, not only with or between teachers but also with or between students, is definitely what we have learned with the information about the relationships and the complexities in the school. But furthermore, these aspects teach us how to achieve and develop a quality education because we can take advantage from the benefits of the different types of relationships and organization that exist trying to solve the problems of coexistence that occur in the educational centre, among other goals. Finally, take part in the connections at school and in the organization as future teachers and as partners involve us in the educational project obviously.


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