lll.PNGThe platform #porotrapoliticaeducativa is an educational association which is striving to achieve the basics for a New Educational Law in Spain. So, for supporting this campaign and for increasing the alternative ways to express our work using technology, students are going to make an advert in Stop-motion format that represents the ten main principles which this association claims the clearest as possible. Once done, they have to upload the advert to Youtube. Remember! All the material used must have the CC licensed. Then, in the next class, the students will present their videos in class for doing a special ‘’Eurovision contest’’. In addition, during the next week, students must share their video in the most social networks as possible to obtain the highest number of likes, views and comments of the whole class. There will be two winners: the best video and the most visited one; they will obtain an award! Here, you have the Decalogue to find the information for doing the activity:




Video in Stop-Motion Format: STOP MOTION #porotrapoliticaeducativa



  • Star: Rocío de la Cruz López Rodríguez.
  • Curator-farmer: María del Mar Martínez Hernández.
  • Translator: Ana Gil García
  • Analyst: Andrea Álvarez de Toledo Martínez
  • Facilitator: Elena Fernández Mira
  • Journalist: Beatriz Meroño Hernández
  • Supporter: María Victoria Aupí Román.



Reviewing a New Educational Law and summarizing its main ten concepts wasn’t easy at all. Due to it’s an important domain for us since it guides our intellectual future, we wanted to put all our effort into this task and we took it really seriously.

We have learned how to reach an agreement among our different opinions and points of view, as we didn’t support all the electoral promises on the Decalogue and either it was difficult to reach to a consensus between us. If it was hard for us, seven people, we couldn’t imagine how stressful and difficult is trying to contain more than forty millions of people which is a whole country.

Moreover, to decide the main points of our education law is not something that citizens are used to, especially us, that have just been allowed to vote. Normally, although there are many demonstrations or suggestions about education, health service… those specific aspects are decided by the Governments and sometimes used as a tool in their electoral program to get their main goal: to convince people that they have the best reforms and to be the most voted ones.

I can relate this to an experience that I had last year when some political representatives of different parties attended my school to make a public debate in front of the students of the last year. When we asked them why any of the parties suggested a votation to decide if the LOMCE had to be implanted or not (as it was a law that affects us more than the politicians who proposed it), the most “conservative” one explicitly said that “education laws were an excuse to content the voters and that’s why they didn’t ask for our opinion, as they didn’t really care”.

This makes us think that, sometimes, complaining to the “bosses” of the state with Educational laws is unuseful, as it doesn’t seem like we are going to be heard, but reading this decalogue, we have learned that education is so important for the current and future society that we don’t have to give up. Instead of that, we have to fight to reach what we want and to make them hear us. That’s why putting all your effort on developing an Educational Law with so many interesting and necessary points like “#PorOtraPolíticaEducativa” has, we can try to make all the changes that we want and to be heard by thousands of people until we get to the Government.  

To sum up, I think that another thing we learned in this task is how difficult is to complement each other so every one of us does the same amount of job. For example, when we were doing the pictures for the stop-motion, we only needed two people doing the main job, while the others had nothing to do at that moment. For that, we have learned to organise ourselves, and rotate the main roles so none of us is not doing anything, but that’s definitely really difficult: it was necessary to know in which domains each of us highlight, to focus on them and try to do your best in that aspect that is easier for you. This means that, in this task, we get to know ourselves a little better, discovering new abilities that we didn’t know at all.


– Stop Motion: is a technique which consists in pretending the movement of objects through the succession of pictures of that objects in slightly different positions.

– Decalogue: Is a set of rules that are considered basic for an activity.

– Inclusive Education: It is considered the difference a value, allocating the necessary resources to who needs it.

– Educational compensation fund: provide money for students whose families are in a disadvantaged economic situation.

– Ratio: the maximum number of students a teacher can have per classroom.

– Secular Education: this term means that education is not based on any religious doctrine and that can be managed by the state.

– Educational policy: educational policy are the actions that the state does in relations.

– Universal access to education: is the right that all people enjoy for having equal opportunities in education, regardless of their social class, gender, ethnicity background or physical and mental disabilities.

– Lay curriculum: it argues about the rejection of any religious symbol or act in the educational system and its environment to avoid any influence which could produce religion in the educational domain.

–Constitutionally guaranteed financing:  Financing at least the 7% of the PBI to education through materials, books, resources…

– Pedagogical autonomy of educational centres: Is the space given to them for adapting and formulating the process that they are going to develop for specific situations and to the characteristics of their students, with the main goal of obtaining the school success of every student.

– Early schooling: the right to receive a free education during the Childhood Education and Primary Education, receiving the importance and the personalized attention that every student deserve during this periods.


Mª del Mar Martínez Hernández: 8,5

Mª Victoria Aupí Román. 8

Ana Gil García. 8

Andrea Álvarez de Toledo Martínez. 9.

Beatriz Meroño Ortega. 9

Rocío de la Cruz López Rodríguez. 8

Elena Fernández Mira. 9

For this task, we worked very hard and we tried our best to be the most creative possible. We spent a lot of time thinking how to improve our work and, although we didn’t end up really well in the Eurovision Contest (the fourth position), we think we deserve a good mark: 8’5.


The main competencies that we have achieved with this activity has been: to analyze the teaching practice and the institutional conditions in which they are framed and to participate in the definition of the educational project and the general activity of the school attending to the quality management criteria, as we have reviewed a project of an Educational Law that includes all the main points about what a quality Education should include and the changes that are needed to make it happen.

In addition, we achieved another competence: to know the political and legislative determinants of the educational activity. It is due to the fact that the decalogue of #PorOtraPoliticaEducativa includes a variety of tools such as the right of education, a curriculum without particular ideas, how the pedagogic autonomy and organization is going to be carried out… Especially, an important approach that helped us to achieve this competence is all the aspects related with the Constitutionally guaranteed financing: about the gratuity of public education, to include the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in the Constitution…

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